
The challenge
Global logistics is a growing market, and there is significant opportunity for optimisation. Until now, it has taken a lot of time and effort to make arrangements between charterers and transporters in the maritime transportation industry. In response, we sought to meet the needs of charterers and transporters with simple and efficient matching procedures.

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The solution
NovaFori has built a marketplace for maruFreight that provides a new digital solution to manage freight exchange by connecting charterers, transporters, and brokers on a single platform. The platform provides visibility across the supply chain to increase efficiency and delivers critical, accurate data in real-time to improve decision-making.
Having confidence in your transporter making the port in time, collecting your cargo within your laycan window, is a charterer's daily pain.
By combining vessel tracking with routing and weather data powered by WNI, the solution eased this concern with its innovative voyage planning toolset. This enabled charterers to enter negotiations on Heads of Terms contract information with increased confidence that their choice of transporter was the best available for their needs. Once Heads of Terms are agreed, Charter Party contract negotiations were made more simple by outputting these terms into the Charter Party agreement of choice for further review. With a logical and data-driven approach, maruFreight increased efficiency allowing charterers to find the best available logistics partner for their needs, whilst optimising a transporters routing, minimising ballast legs.
The result
By using a fully open IT architecture, the marketplace creates an online exchange that simplifies the chartering process. It provides increased transparency for the maritime industry, increases exposure to a wider audience, and drives market-based pricing for cargo and ship owners. The system leverages the latest technology and real-time information to streamline the complex chartering process, thereby increasing efficiency and revenue.
- NovaFori's fully audited negotiation model with offer and counter-offer rounds
- Digitised invitation to Request for Indication (RFI)
- Interactive map showing eligible transporters and vessel positions
- Simultaneous negotiation with multiple transporters
- Negotiation across multiple complex attributes, not just price
- Flexibility to create listings in private, public or preferred submarkets
- Multi-port and multi-cargo voyage planning
- ETA Voyage calculator
- Fleet availability management
- Vessel cargo history
- Mobile responsiveness