Video Gallery

Find out what NovaFori is up to through our range of insightful videos.

This is NovaFori

We adopt a collaborative and hands-on approach, combining our B2B marketplace expertise with your industry knowledge and business requirements to design the platform that's right for you.
Phil Bird explains the power of data science for marketplaces

The power of data science in marketplaces

Phil Bird, Executive Director and Alicja Kaminska, Behavioural Data Scientist, discuss data science and how machine learning can help companies grow by providing trusted, valuable data to understand what is happening on both sides of the marketplace.

Thumbnail video we are NovaFori

We are NovaFori

We are a cutting-edge technology company, with a decade of experience in combining business analysis, marketplace design, development and datascience.

NovaFori team of experts

Building world-class marketplaces

Our mission is to change the way the world trades. We are transforming traditionally analogue industries and setting the tone for new markets, continuously sharpening our focus in building world-class marketplaces.

Thumbnail introduction to NovaFori video

Introduction to NovaFori

At NovaFori, we build world-class marketplaces. The B2B digital world has seen exponential growth in recent years as companies realise the increased benefits of digital platforms, AI and machine learning. We are leading the digital revolution of marketplaces.

thumbnail for video marketplace technology

Marketplace technology to accelerate digital transformation

NovaFori team discusses how can marketplace technology help accelerate digital transformation. We transform traditionally analogue industries and set the tone for new markets, continuously sharpening our focus on building world-class marketplaces.