Fine Art & Collectibles

Innovative auction platforms designed for auctioning fine arts and collectibles, achieving global reach and boosting sales.
Fine art gallery, showing expertise in the fine art industry

NovaFori empowers the fine art & collectibles industry to embrace digital change

We build highly reliable and scalable marketplaces to conduct multiple and simultaneous online transactions of art, antiquities and collectibles on a global scale.

Explore Auction & Trading Technology
Beeple's opus - Christie's NFT

Challenges / Opportunities

Limit access to the market

Traditional in persons auction are limited by their physical location and struggle to achieve global reach.

Online marketplaces for accessibility

Online auction platforms provide wider access to buyers and sellers, reducing market fragmentation and increasing transparency.

Market fragmentation

Auction inventory is often fragmented across platforms, reducing discoverability for buyers.

Smart contracts for transparent transactions

A well set up online platform can efficiently segment inventory, facilitating the discovery process for buyers and improving price outcomes.

Lack of transparency

Physical auctions do not generate data that allow sellers to generate insights into how their business is operating.

Digital marketplaces for efficiency

Curating auctions using data increases options and decreases frustrated demand, increasing sell through rates.

In 2021, Christie's achieved a 43% increase in online auction sales, totalling $445M

Christie's achieved increased auction sales

Our digital auction solution has helped clients such as Christie’s achieve the highest total sales in the last five years, a record year for private sales, and has maintained the leading position for the best online art auction platform.

Read Case Study
Online is a very fruitful channel for new bidders and new clients to Christie’s. In general we’ve seen prices achieved online that rival those of live auctions and in many cases can be better than those in live auctions.
Christie's Logo
Christie's Testimonial

Providing marketplace solutions across diverse industries worldwide

We work with multiple industries. We’ve seen over $12 billion Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) transacted through our platforms since 2011.


Cars parked in a row, showing expertise in the automotive industry

Carbon Markets

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